degustare il caviale in purezza

How to taste Caviar

In order to be appreciated in all its nuances, Calvisius Caviar can be enjoyed on its own on a mother of pearl spoon or on the hand, the famous caviar bump.

As with any tasting, we start with appearance: when opening the tin of caviar you look at the roe and check whether it is intact: the roe must be whole, compact and each piece separate from the others. Excessive oil is a flaw, as it means that the roe has broken, releasing the oil into the can.

We then move on to smell, a sense widely used for tasting wine, but less so for food. When brought close to the nose, the caviar should have an almost imperceptible odour, a slight marine note. If smells such as fermented fish or herring are detected, the product should be discarded as it has not been stored properly.

Lastly we come to taste: when the roe is pushed onto the palate it breaks, resulting in an explosion of flavours, aromas and nuances of taste. Depending on the type of caviar, it may be possible to detect notes of butter, baked goods, dried fruit, which then blossom into a rich iodised marine aroma, as well as hints of oyster and raw shrimp, along with umami, the sixth flavour.
Tasted on its own, it goes perfectly with a glass of sparkling wine, brut or satèn.

All these rules apply to Malossal caviar, i.e. a low-salt, unpasteurised version. These characteristics help us get the most out of the unique nature of each type of caviar, derived from different species of sturgeon. We only breed pure species, no hybrids!

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